Join us for a free art show celebrating the talents and creativity of Addus artists! The theme of the show is Addus Presents: Masterpieces from the 6ix, and it will feature artists’ representations of their favourite Toronto landmarks and experiences. This fun event will include: a silent auction of original artwork, cards and other merchandise for sale, the premier of a new short film, a fun photo booth, light refreshments, a raffle, and more!

Where: 40 Orchard View Blvd, Gwen Liu Room (Room 200). 40 Orchard View Blvd is located in the Yonge and Eglinton area, one block north of Eglinton Ave and just west of Yonge St. The Gwen Liu room is located on the second floor of the Northern District Library. When you enter the building, take the elevator to the second floor and follow through the yellow doors to the right, following the signs to Room 200.
When: Saturday, October 5 from 12:00-2:00pm
This is a free event open to all who may want to attend. No RSVP required!