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Found 505 items matching the term The Best Appian ACD300 New Exam Objectives offer you accurate Exam Questions Answers | Appian Certified Lead Developer 🥤 Search for “ ACD300 ” and obtain a free download on ▶ ◀ 🧅New ACD300 Braindumps

Practical Strategies for Developing Fine Motor Skills

…d little finger against his palm. Let the child grasp small toys which fit comfortably into his hand such as rattles with comfortably long, thin handles, teething rings, safe, nontoxic toys. Let the child grasp your finger from the ulnar side of his hand. Let the child grasp a cone shaped toy with the small end of the cone on the ulnar side of the nd. 4.28 USES PALMAR GRASP (4-5 mo.) The child grasps an object against the palm without use of the t…
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Cerebral Palsy

…ations and students regarding Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy Guide Cerebral Palsy Guide is a national support organization based in the United States, dedicated to educating individuals and families about cerebral palsy. The organization strives to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance that they need to help improve their overall quality of life. The content contained in thi…
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Marcella and Me inclusion stories

…rcella in every aspect of the daily routine. Download a PDF of the book Order a bound copy of the book online Marcella and Music A sequel to “Marcella and Me” that demonstrates specific strategies for teachers to use during circle time. For example, how to keep children’s attention and how to promote greater participation in group times are explored. Picture symbols and sign language signs are included for directions and songs. Download a PDF of t…
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Functional Assessment Interview

…s that happen as a result of the behaviour) of the behaviour, the FAI helps you to identify not only the problem behaviour(s), but also the possible reasons for it. The FAI also brings your attention to the skills, interests, challenges and communication issues of the child. We have attached a completed FAI form for you to read. As you can see, there is much more detailed information included in the FAI than in the MAS. We have also included a bla…
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Substance Abuse and IDD: A Harm Reduction Approach

…e COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk of substance use disorders. We will examine Harm Reduction principles, and address common critiques of the philosophy. We will use case studies to demonstrate how harm reduction principles can be applied to supporting people with IDD/DD, and examine the practical ways in which a person with IDD and substance use disorder can be best supported. PRESENTER: Michelle Anbar-Goldstein, MSW, RSW, Adjunct Lecturer, U…
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Toy Shop

…y and Juicy!” If she’s able, let her tell you about the pictures, too. Ask questions and comment to elicit communication. Use the cube to expand your child’s receptive language by asking questions. “where is the dog?” or “Show me the cat”. You can also use this activity to teach body parts. Use pictures of different body parts (from magazine pictures or drawings) on each side of the cube. As your child, “Where is the nose?” or “Show me the eyes”….
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Child and Family Programs

and learn with their parents or caregivers. Parents and caregivers can get answers to questions about child development; nutrition, parenting, pregnancy and can connect to a range of professionals and other services in their community. Special Needs and Inclusion Competency Guidelines The purpose of the Special Needs and Inclusion Competency Guidelines is to assist organizations to proactively, naturally and seamlessly welcome and integrate every…
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Changes in the Respiratory System

…e respiratory system expected as the person ages: Respiratory disease most common cause of death. Decreased volume and expansion of lungs may lead to decreased function. Susceptible to lung infections, increases if someone is inactive. Swallowing impairments can cause aspiration. Pooling of respiratory secretions. Atelectasis. Strategies for supporting people with changes in the respiratory system: Planning activities with shorter duration. May ne…
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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supporting Children and Youth – Module 1

…e preferred Responds well to structure – consistency and repetition Learns new skills best in a quieter, controlled environment where there are fewer distractions (visual and auditory) Enjoys contact with familiar adults in social play, including different forms of physical contact Learns through the use of prompts – supports such as visual and verbal cues and physical guidance Learns new skills when taught in a supportive environment (i.e., suppo…
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Aging Issues

…upport circle to learn about aging. Maintain Social Relationships The most common factor that leads to a person requiring placement in a long term care home is a lack of social relationships and the isolation that comes with it. People who remain involved with other people maintain their independence in older adulthood. Ageism We learn early in life to make distinctions based on age. Age is a useful variable. It provides us with a tool to organize…
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