About the Program:
This kit is designed to provide classroom teachers with all the activities and material ideas required to implement the sessions in the classroom.
There are six sessions, usually implemented on a weekly basis with the entire group of children. The sessions are structured so that they provide information on a specific topic through a variety of methods.
Each session begins with an icebreaker to get children warmed up. This is followed by a visual schedule of the activities that will occur and a set of rules.
Puppet scenarios are carried out demonstrating the concept or skill that is being discussed for that week. The scenarios promote discussion regarding the topic and there are visuals to support each main point.
A story describing the topic and desired responses is included. This is followed by a few cooperative games each week. The circle closes with an art activity that can be carried out immediately or left with the group to be carried out during the week.
Informing Parents
As a school-age teacher, you may wish to share with the parents the fact that you are implementing a social skills program in your classroom.
As a program consultant implementing this program in partnership with a classroom teacher, you will require parental consent.