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Understanding Alcohol: Making The Right Call [webinar]

A free and important session for parents

As more people with developmental disabilities are choosing varied degrees of independent living, we, as service providers, are often faced with situations that challenge how we define and deliver quality in care. We are constantly learning as we navigate this journey with those we support. 

Covid lockdown highlighted a challenge that manifested through isolation and access. Alcohol use increased for many people. For some, or those just discovering it as a coping, or on-line social activity, it quickly and dramatically propelled. 

It has become a highly sensitive and hot topic because, sadly, the opportunity, for learning about alcohol, has not been easily available to youth and adults with developmental disabilities. A hard conversation indeed. 

We have already seen the positive impact that education around healthy relationships, sexuality, and consent, has had on our youth with developmental disabilities. Alcohol awareness, and its use, is simply another layer that builds on the foundational learnings that empower people to live independently while making healthy choices. 

Recognizing that this was fast becoming a concern, prompted us towards developing this initiative which brought together a task force of people with varied perspectives, professionals and professors, and also included people we support, who self identified as struggling with alcohol and miss use. 

We are ready and excited to share this information with you. Please consider joining us at this FAMILY INFO session. 

THURSDAY January 11th 7:00 pm 

Register now: | Subject: FAMILY INFO UA 

See flyer for more details