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Connection Carousel

Join us for a spin on traditional speed dating

WHEN: April 27 | 3pm – 6pm

The Wagner Green Centre for Access and Inclusion is hosting a fun and friendly
‘speed dating’ event for adults (aged 21-35) with developmental disabilities and/or
autism. This event is the perfect opportunity to meet new people and make
connections in a relaxed and supportive environment.

This event invites singles (aged 21-35) with ASD and/or developmental disabilities to form new connections through this ‘spin on speed dating’ event!

Over the course of the event, attendees will have the chance to speak with each other one on one and see what kind of connection they have. Everyone will be given a dating card to track who they speak to. After each conversation, attendees will check off one of the following options:

  • Romantic – you would be interested in going out on a date with this person
  • Friends – you would be interested in meeting up as friends
  • No Thank You – you aren’t interested in connecting with this person again

After the ‘speed dating’ part of the event, attendees will have time to mix and mingle with each other. Refreshments will be provided.

At the end of the event, all dating cards will be collected, and matches will be determined. If you get a match (both people are interested in connecting again), you will be contacted with more information about how to reconnect with your match(es).

See flyer for more details