Please share with anyone you know that is interested in attending a meeting to talk about:
1. Their experience in working with a lead agency or Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) when waiting for funded adult developmental services in Toronto. We would like to hear your opinion about what is going well, what is not going well and what suggestions you have for making things better while waiting for services. This meeting, with other self-advocates, will be on Monday, March 31 at 1 pm in the afternoon at Community Living Toronto, at 20 Spadina Road (north of Bloor) in Toronto. There will be coffee available.
Please reply to Renee Ramkissoon, or 647-270-0509 if you want to attend as space is limited.
2. Do You Like to Do Different Things?Work, learn something new- like cooking, meet new people or play a sport- like basketball? If you said yes, we would like you to come out to give your opinion on different activities you like to do, and when you want to do them!
When: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 1:00pm—1:30pm refreshments – 1:30pm—2:30pm Meeting
Where: Spadina and Bloor
Please reply to Karyn Farber at 416.925.5141 x 2717 or by email: as space is limited.