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Looking for a Female Roommate

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  • #29941
    Quản lý

      We are currently looking for a female roommate for our daughter to share a lovely 3 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment located in Toronto’s Bathurst and Sheppard area. We are fortunate to have a wonderful live-in caregiver who lives in the apartment and will be shared with the new roommate. Our caregiver is available to assist with meal preparation, cleaning, laundry, food shopping, and can be available to attend medical/outside appointments if needed Monday thru Friday and for a fee on weekends.

      Timeline: September 1, 2023

      Our daughter is 32 years old and always wakes up happy and gets along with everyone. She is gentle, soft-spoken and kind to others. She enjoys karaoke singing, dancing, computer games, watching TV and catching up on Facebook with family and friends. She attends a day program Mon-Fri from 9:00 am – 3:00pm and comes home on most weekends to spend time with family.

      We are looking for a roommate with similar interests….(must haves KINDNESS AND RESPECT)…. to share the apartment, the caregiver and all associated costs.

      Please feel free to email me, Rebeca (her mom) at or send an inquiry to

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