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Community Land Trusts [webinar]

WHEN: Thursday June 6th, 2024 | 10:00am – 11:30am EST

Join DSO Housing Navigators virtually as we learn how Community Land Trusts are working to preserve affordable community-oriented housing. Open to people with a developmental disability, their family members and/or support networks, as well as professionals in Ontario.

Community Land Trust – Speakers

  • Aliya Abaya, Circle Community Land Trust
  • Mike Builthuis – Ottawa Community Land Trust
  • Nat Pace – Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts

Topics covered will include:

  • What is a Community Land Trust?
  • Creative collaborations and finding ways to preserve affordable housing
  • How can families get involved or perhaps create solutions that involve the formation of a land trust?

This virtual webinar will be facilitated by Alex Shannon DSO Housing Navigator, Toronto, Martha Beach DSO Housing Navigator SE Region and Olivia Thomas DSO Eastern