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      On March 31, 1989 My life as I knew it changed. That was the day my daughter Jenna was born.

      I’ll never forget the moment when the nurse arrived and presented my baby to me.
      The first question I asked was is it a girl or a boy. I was so pleased to learn I had given birth
      to a beautiful baby girl.

      The second question I asked was…… is everything OK? In a very matter of fact tone the nurse
      told me that my baby Was born with Down syndrome. I felt blessed.

      My sadness came in thinking that life is tough enough as it is and wondering what
      additional challenges Jenna Would Face living with a disability.

      I have my parents to thank for raising me to believe that everyone belongs and every life counts.
      They taught me that you should dream, you should reach for the stars and you should strive
      to become the best you can be.

      This is a fundamental belief system that guides me in everything I do and this led me to Community Living Toronto 23 years ago!

      Community Living opened my eyes to POSSIBILITIES .

      My inspiration has been watching Jenna develop into the beautiful young woman that she is.

      Over the years, many of the CL staff have been influential in guiding me through some challenging
      times. Their outreach helped my family specifically and armed me with the tools to advocate
      on behalf of all Persons living with a disability.

      I have also had the pleasure to become personal friends with other parents that share the
      same vision that I do. And I am touched by the accomplishments among Jenna’s peers group.

      If I had to select one significant experience that I have been involved with through my volunteerism
      at Community Living it would have to be advocating for inclusive education.

      It has been a true blessing to have had the opportunity to witness Jenna’s journey through
      the education System in an inclusive setting.

      I know that this inclusiveness directly impacted her desire and ability to be accepted
      in a post secondary program which led to a college certificate.

      A year ago I received a letter from Jenna’s grade two teacher informing me that she was
      now a principal at a primary school in Grimbsy.

      She wrote that every IPRC meeting that she attends she remembers Jenna, my advocacy
      and the importance of Including all students despite their ability in the regular classroom.

      The journey continues………

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