Art and Creative Club (15 – 20 years old)
The Art and Creative Club is a program that integrates, empowers and promotes motor, cognitive and social skills in a creative way through visual arts. The program provides creative, hands-on opportunities for children to explore alternative methods of communication. The goal is to provide mental and emotional growth with pure fun! The ideal participant for this group has a diagnosis of high-functioning autism and a well developed verbal language system and can attend in group instruction settings.
Winter 2020
January 4 – March 7
No Class February 15
Time: 10:30 – 11:45am
Art StudioMember Fee: $160/80* / Regular Fee: $170/90* + HST
*Prices if a participant is registered in a Social Skills Club or The Swim Program
Ratio: 1:6
For more information or to register please contact Karina Klier-Bogomolsky, Inclusion Services Manager, at or 905.303.1821 ext.3042
Schwartz/ Reisman Centre
The Schwartz/Reisman Centre is a non-profit organization that welcomes everyone.
The J Inclusion Services mission:
To ensure that every single member of our community is able to experience the joy and fulfilment that comes from being part of a caring, diverse community. Our Inclusion Services department empowers young people aged 4-22 who have different abilities and challenges by giving them opportunities to grow, connect and participate in a meaningful way.
At the Schwartz/Reisman Centre, we respect and honour the unique gifts and strengths that each of us possesses. We emphasize the value, dignity and capabilities of every individual and strive to offer every person the opportunity to participate in our JCC community and to contribute in a meaningful way.
We are dedicated to ensuring that dignity, integration and equal opportunities are embedded in all aspects of the JCC culture. We are pleased to offer community-based recreational programs designed to meet specific needs identified to us by people with disabilities and their families.