Child and Family Centres provide literacy-rich places for children from birth to 6 years of age to come play and learn with their parents or caregivers. Parents and caregivers can get answers to questions about child development; nutrition, parenting, pregnancy and can connect to a range of professionals and other services in their community.
Special Needs and Inclusion Competency Guidelines
The purpose of the Special Needs and Inclusion Competency Guidelines is to assist organizations to proactively, naturally and seamlessly welcome and integrate every child and family without exception.
OEYC Special Needs and Inclusion Guidelines
Let’s Get Started
An early learning program for children with extra support needs and their parent/caregiver. The Let’s Get Started program brings together health and social services to deliver an accessible 6 – 8 week parent-child social play group program that responds to a family’s immediate practical parenting and child development needs.
Let’s Get Started training videos
To find out more about the Let’s Get Started Program or to receive training call CITYKIDS at 416 920-6543 or at

Including Children with Special Needs: A Guide for Child and Family Programs
This guide was developed to assist child and family programs (CFPs) to better serve children with special needs and their parents and caregivers. It is intended for any program that serves children from birth to six years of age. Originally published in 2001, it has been updated to reflect current thinking, research and practices within the field of early childhood education and care.
Source: Macaulay Child Development Centre
Including Children with Special Needs: A Guide for Child and Family Programs
Inclusion ~ Policy development guidelines for early learning and care programs
This guide provides an overview of how to develop and embed Inclusion within the policies of your child care program. It outlines the benefits of inclusive child care from both a practical and an ethical point of view.
Connected Kids
Connected Kids Audio-Visual Workshops were specifically designed to empower families and professionals to use strategies that will have a positive impact on child learning outcomes.
Giving Instructions

Kate Massey of K.I.D.S (Kids Included in Day Care and Early Childhood Services) shares some very practical strategies for helping your child to understand and follow through with requests.
Family Literacy 1

A workshop on building self-esteem as the foundation for literacy skills.
Playing to Learn

A workshop about using simple “play” to help develop and expand motor, language and social skills.
Visual Communications

A workshop to help parents and caregivers expand their communication through the use of simple but powerful visual tools.