Where to begin?
Use our timeline to learn more about each step of the transition to adulthood. Or if you would prefer to read the whole article you can find it here Transition Planning Milestones for Youth with Developmental Disabilities »

Youth in Transition: A Toolkit for Supporting Youth with Developmental Disabilities
Southern Network of Specialized Care
This Toolkit is for service providers who are working with youth with a developmental disability between the ages of 16 and 25 yrs who are in transition between children’s and adult services. While the Toolkit was developed to support persons with a developmental disability, many of the resources and TIP’s will be applicable to any youth transitioning to adulthood. Youth in Transition Toolkit
Transition to Adulthood Planning Toolkit: The ultimate guide to help prepare you and your child
Produced in co-operation by Niagara Catholic District school Board, Autism Ontario –Niagara Region, Mainstream – People Supporting People, Community Living Port Colborne Wainfleet, Community Living Fort Erie
This toolkit helps families plan for their child to succeed in school, at work and in life. Transition Planning Toolkit
Connections: A guide to Transition planning for parents of children with a developmental disability
by Rae Roebuck & Judy Coultes-Macleod (May 2010)
“Connections: A Guide to Transition Planning” has been developed to help you – the parents of a child with a developmental disability in Toronto and Central East Region – as your child makes the transition from school life to adulthood. Connections
Resource Guide For Students With Disabilities – Transition to Post-Secondary Education
Created by the Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC). RARC provides accurate and comprehensive assessments and follow-up services to post-secondary students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and ASD.
What do you need to know before you head off to college or university? Learn about your rights and responsibilities, how to advocate for yourself, what financial aid is available and more.
Let us help you prepare for your transition to post-secondary education. We’ll walk you through the steps to take and how to best take advantage of the information provided on this website.
Getting Started: Navigating the Teen to Adult Transition Years – A Resource Guide for Families
Jump Start – Lambton Kent Teen Transition Committee
Transition planning involves looking ahead and helping to plan for the future of your teen. While your teen is still in school you can help them prepare for the opportunities and experiences of being an adult.
Looking Ahead… Together
Toronto Catholic District School Board, Surrey Place Centre
After students leave school, supports and services will change. Transition planning is an ongoing process and, due to the many complexities, takes a lot of time and thought. Looking Ahead… Together
Life after high school

In this webcast we cover:
- Accessing employment supports and resources
- Other learning options and programs
- Related online community resources
- Hearing from staff, families, and partners
Read more
DSO: Life After High school

Transitioning to adult developmental services starts with applying early to DSO. Check out our new brochure.