Youth (14-29) with siblings who have a disability often experience stigma from friends and society that greatly impacts their daily lives. Siblings often do not have a space to engage in conversations about, or share solutions to, barriers that impact their lives and the lives of their loved one who has a disability. Youth want to share their thoughts and ideas with decision-makers so that they can work together to build a collective vision and end the stigma around disability. Young siblings also want to help nurture relationships with other siblings in order to strengthen the voice of youth as advocates of inclusion.
Siblings: Citizens with a Cause
New course – Savvy Siblings: Strengthening the Financial Security of Your Sibling with a Disability

Siblings Canada, an initiative of the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence has launched Savvy Siblings: Strengthening the Financial Security of Your Sibling with a Disability, a free online course designed to support adults who want to play a role in improving the financial security of their siblings with disabilities—whether for today or for the future.
The course outlines the basics of how adults can meaningfully contribute to the financial well-being of their siblings with disabilities. Once enrolled, participants will have access to nine self-paced chapters that explore diverse topics like the impact of ableism, the links between disability and poverty, and the importance of relationships to financial security.
In addition to sharing videos, discussion boards and reflection exercises, the course outlines how to create a simple action plan for strengthening a sibling’s finances.
Adults who enroll in Savvy Siblings will benefit from:
- Fewer worries and anxieties about the future.
- More confidence in their ability to meaningfully contribute to their sibling’s financial security.
- Strategies for managing family conversations about finances and the future.
- Greater preparedness in the event of a sudden or unexpected transition to a caregiving role.
- Access to an online community of peers who also have siblings with disabilities.
Enrollment is now open. Learn more and register.
Sometimes we can benefit from others’ experiences:
A place for self-advocates, caregivers and family members to post a question or get feedback from other families and service providers who may have had similar experiences.
Acceptance and Commitment Training for Adult Siblings
Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) helps adults siblings of a person with disabilities.
Facilitated by siblings, for siblings, together we build our resilience through ACT. ACT helps us to struggle less with the difficult feelings and events in our lives, and mindfully connect with what is most important in a way that is loving and respectful.
This free virtual ACT workshop is spread over five consecutive Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm Eastern. The workshop dates are on March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 followed by a refresher evening session two weeks later on May 1.
If you are ready to register for the winter session, email us at info@siblingscanada.ca or you can complete the registration form at https://forms.gle/vyk8mKCALV1DHbum8
For more information please visit: canadiancaregiving.org/siblingscanada/