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Courage Culture Club’s Spring Events

Paint and Charcuterie Night

WHEN: March 24 | 3pm – 6pm
COST: $60pp

March 24 from 3pm-6pm it is a paint and charcuterie night. Join us for an acrylic flower painting with your friends and make new friends.

See flyer for more details

Mini Convention day

WHEN: April 14 | 2:30pm-5:30pm
COST: $25 each

April 14 from 2:30pm-5:30pm, we are hosting a convention day to help parents with housing, funding, work ventures, and more! It is an interactive convention so participants will have the opportunity to have their questions answered. This event is taking place in the black box theatre! 

Both events are happening at QEP community centre in Oakville but different event room spaces. There will be a winner at each event that will win a respite night. 

See flyer for more details

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