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Talking about Children’s Mental Health [webinar]

WHEN: February 11 at 7pm

Approximately 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge. When your child or youth with a disability experiences mental health challenges, it can add another layer of complexity for your family, and knowing how to help them can be difficult.

Join us on February 11 at 7pm EST, with guests connected to Children’s Mental Health Ontario, for an open conversation about the intersection of disability and mental health that can break through the stigma, making it easier for you and your family to seek help when it’s needed.

What’s in it for you:

  • Tips on how to recognize the signs of mental health challenges
  • What you can expect when talking about your child’s mental health
  • Strategies for collaborating with your child’s school
  • Where to go for help and support

A live Q&A will follow this presentation. Register using the link below – we look forward to having you there!

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