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Hand flapping

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    How can I stop hand flapping of my son who is three years old.Does it goes away with the passage of time.?


      A couple of questions. Does the hand flapping interfere with his activities? Is it done a times of anxiety?
      Often a more socially acceptable anxiety reducing activty is taught to replace the hand flapping. Your sons hand flapping is satisfying a need, so you can’t stop it, again teaching an alternative is best. In the home the best is to carry on the activity you wish to teach and ignore the hand flapping, otherwise you are spending you whole time trying to get him to stop the hand flapping.


        Hi Sumari,

        Here is a good post about de-mystifing stimming by Anabelle Listic, a 27 year old artist who has autism. She begins ” I have been asked by many parents, “How do I get my child to stop stimming?” The short answer is: You don’t. Allow me to explain why:

        Click here to go see the rest.

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