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Funding :Thinking Outside the Box – Continuing the discussion

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  • #17858

      On May 26, 2015 we had our first Connected Families Shared Learning event. There were 3 presentations: Crowd-source funding, alternative funding sources and creative uses of Passport funding.

      Gerald Fantone is the Job Coach at the Coffee Shed at Surrey Place Centre. The Coffee Shed recently used crowd source funding to raise funds for a barista training program that will help turn the 17 business partners with developmental challenges into fully-fledged baristas.

      Kathy Laszlo is the Co-founder and CEO at DANI, a non-profit organization formed in 2005 by parents of young adults who are experiencing physical and/or cognitive challenges. Kathy talked about a number of ways DANI has used to find the resources that they need.

      Erin Kelly, the Manager of Passport and Person-Directed Planning Programs at Family Services Toronto has seen many creative ways families have used their Passport funding to create meaningful supports for their family member.

      We encourage you to continue the discussion about creative ways to find finding and use funding in this discussion.

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      Maître des clés

        Here is a link to the webinar Funding: Thinking Outside the Box


          Thanks you for a very positive, constructive meeting. The three presenters had great ideas and a proven record. It shows how a group of people, getting together over coffee to try and do something different can work.
          It was also nice to hear our kids being talked about in a positive light.

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