Cooperative and nurturing games foster children’s self-esteem, sense of belonging, ability to care for oneself and others, and provide the opportunity to develop increased trust. Implementing such activities in the daily curriculum helps to decrease bullying in the classroom.
Cooperative games are those that require teamwork and do not have a “winner” and a “loser.” These games, by their very nature, promote children’s awareness of each other and others’ needs. The implementation of cooperative games develops children’s feelings of concern for others which results in positive social interactions.
Nurturing games and activities involve those that are soothing, calming, and reassuring. These activities promote self-esteem by conveying the message that the child is cared for and is loveable. Children internalize the “caring” message and are better able to respond to others in a positive and empathic manner.
Indoor / Outdoor Cooperative Play Ideas:
- Motorboat
- Paper Punch / Basketball Throw
- Musical Hoops
- Hot Potato
- Walking to a Wall
- Name Exchange
- Choo Choo Train
- Simon Says
- Blindfold Walk
- Pass a Funny Face
- Red Light, Green Light
- Duck, Duck, Goose
Indoor Cooperative Play Ideas:
- Lotto and bingo games
- Puzzles
- Murals
- Quilts
- Friendship trees