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PRESENTER: Linda Ger Walters, Grief Recovery Specialist, Co-Facilitator for the Relationship Group The purpose of this session is to provide an understanding of the core principles of grief and loss and their effects on families and individuals who seek our …
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Recorded at a Transition Planning training forum put on by The Toronto Networks of Specialized Care in partnership with the DSTO Shared Learning Forum and This is one of 9 videos that were recorded during a 3 part Certificate …
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Welcome to a basic tips video brought to you by Aptus Treatment Centre. In this video we’re going to look at the term reinforcement and how reinforcement can have a huge impact on behaviour. This video will follow 3 scenarios, …
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An overview of borderline personality disorder. Including information on Intellectual Disability, and some staffing approaches. Download the presentation. Presented at Shared Learning Forum on February 28, 2020

Who amongst us has not felt that sense of dread when a visit to the dentist is imminent? Even simple checkups can be uncomfortable and mildly painful. One part of that experience is knowing that the dentist will Invariably ask …
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These presentations were recorded at the DS Information Fair, October 11, 2018. Self-Advocate Council (SAC) Group of Community Living Toronto Developmental Services Ontario (DSO): Access to Services, Supports and Passport Funding Employment Supports: PANEL DISCUSSION ODSP: An Overview Creative Housing …
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These presentations were recorded at the DS Information Fair, October 30, 2019. Developmental Services Toronto- Council Creative Housing Options: PANEL DISCUSSION Developmental Services Ontario (DSO): Access to Services, Supports and Passport Funding

Presenters Alexandra Shannan, Developmental Services Ontario’s Housing Navigator for Toronto Region Information sharing and an introduction to the new housing navigation role at DSO. Alexandra provides an overview of her position and a description of some of the resources that …
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These presentations were recorded at the 11th annual DSTO Information Fair. Developmental Services in Toronto (DSO TR): An Overview Terri Hewitt – Developmental Services Ontario – Toronto Region Be Informed. Be Involved. Be Engaged. Mary Steen – Findhelp/211 Brian Woodman …
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