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pros and cons of Facebook for an individual with a developmental disability?

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    Oops, hit Enter accidentally. I’m interested in hearing from other families on this topic. I am not a Facebook (or other social media) user myself, but I’m wondering if my son would benefit from having a page where he could post his experiences and thoughts to share with family and friends. This is not something he particularly desires to do, or truly understands (although he manages email just fine). I’m worried about trolls and the like, but on the other hand it might offer him connections that are otherwise difficult to maintain.




    There is a free website which allows users (of all abilities) to register and be streamlined into the appropriate forums for discussion based on their age group/purpose for joining the online community. You can learn more information or register by visiting

    (note: an individual does not have access to the full website without registering)

    Jenna Martinuzzi



      Hi there! I believe you can make his page ‘private’ – you can set his page to only be viewed by his friends and families so that no one else can post on his page. I believe there is a setting also where you can view responses first before allowing them to be posted. It’s a great way to stay connected to people!

      I am both a family member and service provider. My brother likes posting pictures of the things he does on Facebook and his page is very protected – people have to add him as a ‘friend’ first before posting on his page. It is very supportive. If your son is also interested in a Pen Pal Program where he can meet other people, there’s one offered by my organization called Hand Over Hand. We are able to match a volunteer up with your son who will write to him regularly (whether it be through postage, email, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter – whatever he prefers). Here is the webpage if you are interested:

      There is another site called Tyze which is a specific tool for keeping an organized, safe network online:

      Hope that helps!

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