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Found 91 items matching the term Психолог онлайн 2021 Психолог online Психолог в онлайне психологов онлайн Психологи Online insta---batmanapollo

How to support someone in using social media safely

…e computer in a communal space can ensure individuals aren’t vulnerable to online predators, scams or viruses. Install filters. Internet filter software can be purchased to control what sites can be accessed. Protect your computer with anti-virus applications. Computer viruses can harm your computer. Prevent the risk of a computer virus by installing an anti-virus software. For more tips on Internet Safety read the ‘Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Safe…
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Virtual Summer Camps 

…KxgErEAAYAyAAEgJEZPD_BwE Easter Seals Through interactive, fun, and social online activities and programs, campers of all ages and diverse abilities learn with trained counselors through role-playing game adventures, crafts, drawing, cooking and more. Through live video streaming, counsellors lead discussions, offer mentorship, and cheer on campers during activities. Cost: $75 per week Registration:…
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Managing Your Direct Funding During COVID

…system automatically splits your expenses into separate invoices. In these instances, MyDirectPlan will generate and submit two invoices on your behalf. One invoice will be created for expenses that fall under the ‘Other’ category, and one invoice will be created for expenses that fall under any remaining categories. This way, any delays in processing your ‘Other’ submissions will not affect the processing times of your regular submissions. Advanc…
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Financial and Legal Resources

…hecklist of what to look for when assessing the legal information you find online. “Sources for online legal information“ lists several websites where you can find reliable online legal information for people in Ontario. “Legal services in Ontario“ describes and gives contact information for free or low-cost legal services in Ontario. “Hiring and working with a lawyer“ sets out some examples of when it is important to consult a lawyer. It also con…
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Relationship Group: Building Community Connections [online]

Join a group of peers and learn about friends, discover what you are looking for in a friend, and practice your skills at making & keeping friends. The Relationship Group is for self advocates with a Developmental disability to build safe and strong relationships. We work on safety, respect and self esteem. When: September 30, October 7 & 21 from 2pm – 3:30pm Please note a zoom link will be sent prior to each session.  If you are interested in re…
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Camp Registration Workshop [online]

…Ever wonder what you need to register your child for camp? Not sure what camps are out there? Come join us for an information session on camps and respite registration. This workshop is suitable for caregivers of children 4 -18 who would like to have a better understanding of the what’s, when, and how’s of registering for camp. When: Aug 22, 2024 | 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Location: Virtual, on Zoom Register now…
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Moms Supporting Moms Group [online]

…Join other moms who are supporting a child with an intellectual disability or autism of any age to share, strategize, support each other. MONDAYS 7:30-9:30 APRIL 8/15 MAY 6/27 JUNE 10/24 OR THURSDAYS 1:00-3:00 APRIL 4/18 MAY 2/16/30 JUNE 13/27 To Register Please Contact Linda: | Tracey: See flyer for more details…
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Artshine Workshops [online]

WHEN: May 3, 10, 17, 24 | 2:15pm – 3:15pm COST: $100 for all workshops Curriculum includes Cuddly Fox – Inspired by Norval Morrisseau Spring Blooms Specked Fish Bonus Project! Materials Include Acrylic Paint Professional Grade Project Paper Canvas Boards Paint Brushes Artist Essentials (Pencil, Eraser, etc.) Each participant will receive their own art kit. CONTACT: NANCY COLLINS: NCOLLINS@KARIS.ORG | 416-633-0614 See flyer for more details Regist…
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Respecting Rights Quarterly Self-Advocates Meeting [online]

…Respecting Rights and ARCH Disability Law Centre is hosting the Virtual Provincial Quarterly Self-Advocates meeting on Friday September 20th 2024 at 2:00pm. Self-advocates are welcome to attend to learn about the projects that ARCH and Respecting Rights are working on, and to have a discussion about what is important to self-advocates. For the zoom link, please email…
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Using the Online Stories to Share Experiences

Each of the on-line stories highlights one of the three areas in “Skills for Success”. Each area contains a wide variety of tips and activities that you can use to help prepare your child for school. Stories are an excellent way to develop your child’s literacy skills. To learn more about literacy and young children, take a look at the workshops “Family Literacy 1: Building Self-Esteem” and Family Literacy 2: Reading and Storytelling.” As you wat…
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