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Money Matters

…e, how to be safe using online banking, and choosing a good PIN number and online password. Play Why Everyone Should Have a Personal Bank Account While having someone else have control over your finances might seem to make your life easier, there are some important benefits to having your own bank account. These reasons include employment, cashing cheques, reputation, safety and accessibility. Each of these reasons is explained in more detail belo…
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Socio-emotional regulation

Definition. Social and emotional development refers to a child’s understanding of who they are, what they are feeling and their response to daily interactions (e.g. interacting with peers, tasks and routines). It helps them form lasting positive relationships, express and manage their emotions as well as exploring the environment. Self-regulation is how a person deals with and recovers from stress.  Why is it important? Fewer behavioural difficul…
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Recreation Therapy

…ant, Community Living Toronto. This interview was done for the ‘Learning Together’ newsletter. Learn more about Recreation Therapy and naturalistic teaching. Learning Together February 2021 You can find past issues of the Learning Together Newsletter here:…
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Laughter Yoga

…st professional experience to help you take advantage of the natural health benefits of laughter yoga. Recorded at the February 2021 Shared Learning Forum…
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Setting Up for Success

…, 2020 from, Harrison, H. (2017). How to Teach Kids about the Brain: Laying Strong Foundations for Emotional Intelligence, Retrieved on April 30, 2021 from Brain Matters:…
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Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion [webinar]

…networks and government to belong and live inclusive lives, where they are empowered to make choices and live as independently as possible through supports that are person-directed, equitable and sustainable. Learn more about the plan, the progress made since the plan was released in May 2021, and work underway. Have an opportunity to ask your questions in a live Q&A with a Director from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCC…
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Exploring Funding Sources

…servicesupport/passport.aspx Update: Revised Passport Guidelines (September 2021) Assistive Devices Program (ADP) The objective of the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is to provide consumer-centered support and funding to Ontario residents who have longterm physical disabilities and to provide access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual’s basic needs. Respite S…
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Passport Funding

…Megan Hart, Passport Coordinator Passport is a program that helps adults with a developmental disability to participate in their communities, and helps caregivers take a break from their caregiving responsibilities. The program is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Come learn more about Passport. Recorded at Shared Learning Forum on November 29, 2019 Update: Revised Passport Guidelines (September 2021)…
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Grief and Loss Group [virtual]

…arn about grief and loss of hopes, dreams and expectations. Learn how to process your grief with peers, around a possible Death loss Loss of something or someone important to you Anticipatory losses New changes in your life Just missing the ‘old ways’ Take part in a 3-part series online  When: May 22, 29, June 5 from 7pm – 8:30pm * Please note a zoom link will be sent prior to each online session. If you are interested in registering, please conta…
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