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Getting ready for the first day on the school bus

…w and colour pictures of children following school bus safety rules. Check online for printable colouring pages. Have a Dress Rehearsal Morning. Get up early and rehearse getting ready for the school bus. Tips For Parents: When arranging for specialized bus services: Be positive Know your child’s strengths and needs Be assertive and calm Make requests rather than demands Share strategies that work with your child at home When communicating with th…
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Internet Safety

…A workshop providing tips when using the internet, including how to stay safe on the Internet, how to communicate online, using online gaming and safely using adult content on the Internet. Play…
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The Power of One: How to Advocate [webinar]

…m – 8:30 pm Presenter: Gary Gladstone Facilitator: Hadassah Rais Location: Online For the past eight years, Gary Gladstone has led the Stakeholder Relations team at Reena , and is currently the Chair of the Intentional Community Consortium (representing over 30 agencies across Ontario and Quebec), advocating for housing and supports for those with developmental disabilities. He is also the Chair of the Government Relations Committee…
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Accessibility Statement

ConnectABILITY strives towards creating an online environment that is inclusive and accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of ability. We are continually improving the user experience for all and applying the relevant accessibility standards, while acknowledging that accessibility is an evolving target and there is always room for improvement. As our guide across the site we use the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessib…
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Off to School

…High School, Post-secondary and Beyond Project Inclusion A series of five online learning modules built around lived experience stories and practical strategies intended for educators from kindergarten through grade 12. Initiated and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education EDU, the resource is designed to help educators and school board staff combat ableism and promote accessibility, inclusion, and full participation of students with disabili…
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Learn How Victim Services Toronto Supports Our Community

…rafficking prevention. Jasminder is the Community Development Coordinator at Victim Services Toronto and has worked on gender-based violence prevention strategies for Toronto, Peel, Durham, and Halton Regions. She has also developed an online, Ontario-wide course on human trafficking available to all colleges. As a South Asian woman, she is passionate about social justice and anti-oppressive practices. Recorded at Shared Learning Forum September 2…
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Training for the Caregiver and staff

…s Developmental Disabilities Justice Toolkit Training videos, webinars, an online tool-kit and resources specifically designed for professionals working in the justice system (police, corrections, probation and parole officers, crown attorneys, youth justice staff, mental health court workers). Care, Support and Treatment of People with a Developmental Disability…
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Steps to Supporting a Child Experiencing Stress and Trauma

…ge? What can I do to calm their emotions and get their thinking brain back online? Model calm and reassurance Take a moment to stop and breathe, then decide what to do next. Our own actions could potentially escalate or de-escalate the situation, depending on what we do next. Go to the child Get physically close while respecting the child’s personal space.  They will likely not be able to come to you if you call them. They will not be able to foll…
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Learn about taxes & benefits with Canada Revenue agency

…The Ontario Trillium Benefit Ways to do your taxes And more…. This free online webinar will be hosted by Alexandra Shannan, Housing Navigator for DSO in Toronto, Olivia Thomas Housing Navigator for the DSO East Region and Martha Beach, Housing Navigator for DSO South-East Region. It is open to people with a developmental disability, their family members and/or support networks, and professionals in Ontario. This event will not be recorded. Ques…
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