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Found 91 items matching the term Психолог онлайн 2021 Психолог online Психолог в онлайне психологов онлайн Психологи Online insta---batmanapollo

Physical Disability

…mes – Services for Persons with Disabilities – Access to services and information for persons with disabilities, family members, caregivers and all Canadians. Books and Literature: It’s OK to Be Me! Just Like You I Can Do Almost Anything! by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos Just One of the Kids: Raising a Resilient family When One of Your children Has a Physical Disability by Kay Harris Kriegsman & Sara Palmer The S…
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Children’s Grief and Loss

…– Grief Section  A short video about grief & memories  Kids Grief Website  Online module – Understanding Children’s Grief Canadian Virtual Hospice “Parenting a child through a death and grief” Video with Andrea Warnick  Children and Youth Grief Network What are the 4 C’s? Four Common Concerns of Grieving Children and Youth Dignity Memorial: “Helping Your Child Endure a Loss” by Ken Doka Article, “Coping with Grief:  Helping Others Endure Their Los…
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Life after high school

…students taking non-credit courses, on a certificate stream, or in a special education program Join us to explore: Accessing employment supports and resources Other learning options and programs Related online community resources Hearing from staff, families, and partners Resources Life after high school – presentation slides Resources for supported employment and continued learning…
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Separation Anxiety in Children

…eassurance quickly when a child is distressed. Share a video with families online, if permissible, that demonstrates the program’s fun toys and activities. This will help the child have a visual reference to the program and develop familiarity. Include special messages of welcome. Warmly welcome each child and family as they come to the program. Greet them by name, let them know you’re glad to see them and ask how they are doing. Show the child ar…
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The First Job and Beyond

…ve job postings too. In Canada, HRSDC even offers access to their job bank online. (See: The internet offers a lot of other opportunities to find work. Consider checking websites of government departments such as Parks and Recreation or a local municipality website. Both the Government of Canada and Ontario websites have a job opportunities section and even have a “youth jobs” category. Take a look for websites of l…
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Acquired Brain Injury

…ION The Think First Foundation provides onsite or online chapter training to hospitals and health related facilities. It offers programs to students of all ages: “Street Smart”; the “Safety Super Hero” and thought-provoking programs with VIP speakers –Voices For Injury Prevention – who explain how a traumatic injury needlessly changed their life. Think First is your resource for educational material and resources; injury p…
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Aging Issues

…es have educational programs geared to the learning needs of older adults. Online educational opportunities for seniors are also becoming more popular. Older adults can learn and want to learn. Older Workers and Productivity The age of an employee has no effect on the person’s performance. Studies conducted to assess the performance of older workers found that older employees demonstrate acceptable productivity and have attendance records equal to…
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Health and Wellness

…ear and simple manner. The series consists of eight booklets now available online, with subjects ranging from general health issues to more specific health topics. Not Skirting the Issue: Discovering Ways to End Poor Health Care for Women with Developmental Disabilities Women with developmental disabilities are less likely than other women in Ontario to have a pap smear which is how doctors screen for cervical cancer. They are also less likely to…
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What is Money

…ange, checking your change, and not having enough money. Money Magic is an online arcade game that the individual can play to learn Canadian coin recognition and making change Games like Payday and Monopoly could be useful. Play as a family on a regular basis. Provide the individual with an “allowance”. Discuss the types of items they can purchase in different stores and take them to a store where they can choose and pay for an item. This is a gre…
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Different Ways to Buy Things like Goods and Services

…r more information on debit cards and safety see the article “Debit cards, Online Banking and other Bank Account Information”. Pre-Loaded (Pre-Paid) Credit Cards Pre-loaded credit cards are used just like a regular credit card except you must pay money on the card before you use it. So, if you have one of these cards you go to the bank and give the teller money or have the money transferred from your account to the card. You can then buy things wi…
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