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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supporting Children and Youth – Module 8

…munication between centre staff, families, and other professionals. A home-school communication book provides an opportunity for parents to share information about a child’s home routine that may affect the child’s behaviour at the centre. For example, if a child has had a short sleep and is likely to be tired the next day you may decrease the expectations placed on the child. A communication book also provides an opportunity for you to learn abou…
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Types of Hearing Tests for Children

…r sedated for the ASSR. Sound is transmitted through the ear canals, and a computer picks up the brain waves in the hearing section of the brain and establishes what the hearing capacity is. The ASSR is often done together with the ABR. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Test: this test is performed with a sleeping infant or an older child who may be able to sit quietly. In this brief test, a tiny probe is placed in the ear canal. Numerous pulse-type sou…
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Requesting a Sensory Break

…be allowed time to master each step in the sequence. The breaking down of complex skills into smaller components is called task analysis. Anything we do can be broken down into smaller steps. The number of steps depends on the needs of your child Let’s take a look at the steps involved in requesting a sensory break using a picture symbol. Locate the picture symbol. Stretch out arm. Touch the picture symbol with hand (or finger). Wait for sensory…
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Anger Management: Session 6

Conflict Resolution (Between Peers) Welcome Song Visual Schedule and Rules (welcome song, puppet show, discussion, story, calming activities, song, goodbye song) Review “Stop, Slow Down” visual Puppet Show – Bessie is holding a toy car. Bumble walks up to Bessie and says: Hey, that’s my car, I had it first! He tries to take the car from Bessie. [RED light is shown] Bessie: No, it’s mine! (and turns away from Bumble holding the car) Bumble hits Be…
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Creating Cooperative and Caring Classrooms

…anner. Indoor / Outdoor Cooperative Play Ideas: Motorboat Paper Punch / Basketball Throw Musical Hoops Hot Potato Walking to a Wall Name Exchange Choo Choo Train Simon Says Blindfold Walk Pass a Funny Face Red Light, Green Light Duck, Duck, Goose Indoor Cooperative Play Ideas: Lotto and bingo games Puzzles Murals Quilts Friendship trees…
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Children With Food Preferences

…he First-Then visual board after you notice that the child is feeling more comfortable with the “new food” experiences described above. Allow for sensory exploration of new foods through planned activities that are fun and enjoyable. Through sensory exploration, the child can be introduced to the new food slowly by looking at, touching, and smelling it, without the pressure of having to eat it. The child learns about the new food through activitie…
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What To Do After a Fall

…t school or in the community. A Seniors Social and information website Information on Senior’s Agencies in Ontario Sources: Public Health Agency of Canada handout — If you fall or witness a fall, do you know what to do? Active Independent Aging — A community guide for falls prevention and Active living – Facts abo…
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Strategies for Picky Eating

…d fun. Remember to be patient, stay positive and make it fun! Sources Canadian Pediatric Society (2019). Caring for Kids: When your child is a picky eater. City of Toronto (n.d.) Picky Eating. Community Living Toronto (n…
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Respecting Rights Coffee and Advocacy Monthly Meeting

…uilding located at 55 University Avenue. We will be learning about ARCH’s services from law students, and will play true or false games. Self-advocates will also have an opportunity to do role plays to practice how to advocate for themselves when making decisions about their lives. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Email Jessica Field at to register…
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Token Economy System

…creating a token economy system and teaching your child how it works. We recommend that for young preschool children you focus on giving your child tokens for the behaviour you want to see and use other strategies to let your child know that inappropriate behaviour will not result in getting your attention. Here’s another example: Ms. Zemenek is trying to encourage Marika to speak quietly when in the library. Every time Marika uses a quiet voice,…
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