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…Spending money is something everyone does. Here are some strategies to help you be smart when you buy things and some ideas of what you can do if you find out that you have spent more money than what you have available. Play – Flash version Play – HTML5 version (updated browsers and tablets)…
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Normal Aging Process

…A workshop describing the likely changes to their body systems and functioning abilities as someone ages and strategies to help support a person with an intellectual disability exhibiting these changes. Play – Flash Version Play – HTML5 Version (For updated browsers and tablets)…
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Including Children with Special Needs: A Guide for Child and Family Programs

…ecial needs and their parents and caregivers. It is intended for any program that serves children from birth to six years of age. Originally published in 2001, it has been updated to reflect current thinking, research and practices within the field of early childhood education and care. Source: Macaulay Child Development Centre Including Children with Special Needs: A Guide for Child and Family Programs…
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How to budget your money to cover all of your expenses

…When you only have so much money, it is important to ensure that you are able to pay for your basic needs, your fixed costs and still have money to save or spend on entertainment. Here are some strategies to figure out where you are spending your money, how to create a budget and how to keep on budget. Play – Flash version Play – HTML5 version (updated browsers and tablets)…
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Sensory Changes in the Elderly

…Centennial College Nursing Students Presentation Series 2012: Sensory changes that occur with the elderly and strategies to overcome the impacts. Play – Flash version Play – HTML5 version (updated browsers and tablets)…
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Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia

…An introduction to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia including what is Alzheimer’s disease, the differences between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and some of the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Play – Flash version Play – HTML5 version (updated browsers and tablets)…
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Acquired Brain Injury

…nce of brain injury outnumbers breast cancer, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDs combined. Each year, two million people in the U.S.A. experience a brain injury, and 99,000 suffer from long-term disability. Over five million people today are living with an ABI-related disability. Recovery: Most studies suggest that once brain cells are destroyed or damaged, generally, they do not regenerate. Recovery after a brain injury can take…
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