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Found 425 items matching the term 100% Pass Quiz 2024 Microsoft SC-100 Updated Latest Dumps Pdf 🧂 Search for ➠ SC-100 🠰 and obtain a free download on 《 》 ⏩SC-100 Valid Exam Practice

Hamzah at Play Time

…Changing Behaviour. Step 1: Decide Where to Start Let’s take a moment to describe what we see or hear. Describing the behaviour will help us to be consistent when gathering information a bit later. When Hamzah is asked to select an activity or play area, he does not respond with words or gestures. If seated or standing he remains in position and does not move. We have agreed to directly observe Hamzah’s behaviour and record our results using the A…
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Programming for children with Visual Impairments

…idors, mats at door entrances, and exits to buildings) corridors should be free of obstacles (e.g., chairs, tables) “diffused strip lighting” is preferred Programming Recommendations children with visual impairments rely on auditory information for some part of their learning. Books on tape or CD, spoken output from the computer, and use of tape recorders provide a quick means of access that has the advantage of being meaningful to sighted peers….
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“Me in Motion” – Exercise Tips for Everyday Healthy Living

…. Check the area that you are using to ensure that it is well lit, clutter free and accessible to you. Make sure you eat at least two hours before you exercise, drink plenty of water before and a little, if needed, during your exercise. Rest when you feel the need – PAIN IS NOT GAIN!! When exercising outside remember to check the weather and the air quality for your health. STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH before and after to relax your muscles. Here are…
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David Lepofsky: Accessibility for all

…David Lepofsky, chair of the AODA Alliance addresses Community Living Toronto staff on the issue of advocating for accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities. As David says, we need a barrier-free Ontario for everyone.…
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Using Visual Sequences to Teach Self-Care Skills

…ur child a new skill, it helps if the space you are using is organized and free of distractions. For example, in the bathroom, you can set aside a small space in a cabinet or on the counter with the objects your child needs to brush his teeth. Providing him with a colourful toothbrush and special ‘kid-friendly’ toothpaste will help make ‘brushing teeth’ more enjoyable. Introduce the visual sequence by posting it at your child’s eye level, pointing…
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Following Instructions

…e required steps to the task, you are helping to shape the behaviour or outcome. In our example, we will provide verbal praise for Asha’s efforts in tidying up and following the instructions. We can say, “You put the toy in the basket; great tidying up!” Both parents and teachers could also carry mini daily schedules with them throughout the day. Asha can be shown the picture of the upcoming activity (which is highly preferred) to help her underst…
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Planning for Life After School

school Michelle Murphy, Autism Support Teacher, Autism Programs & Services Department, TCDSB DSO eligibility Melanie Randall, Community Liaison Service Navigator, Development Services Ontario MagnusCards MagnusCards is a free app that combines a proven method of instruction (Social Stories) with elements of game design to help people learn life skills. Read more >>…
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Circle of Difference

…atement that is read. Remind people that many of us have different ways of communicating. Give examples: some people blink their eyes for yes, some people use sign language, some people use assistive devices, and some use words. On the count of three, have everyone show you their “YES”. Then explain for everyone to listen carefully to the reader (Someone with an intellectual disability ideally) who will read statements out one at a time. A series…
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Bedtime Routines

for children between the ages of two to six years old. Although fears are common in preschoolers, intense fright, especially when accompanied by panic, is unusual and may be a sign that help from a professional is needed. Nightmares: Nightmares are quite common and most children experience them at some time or another. The child will awaken from the frightening dream and remember what happened quite clearly. Sometimes she can be comforted and set…
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Paving the Path

…, who are considering employment and/or volunteerism in the near future! A FREE, interactive and educational 6-week program that covers relevant and current topics needed to consider before looking for work. Program includes Personal Management  Communication Collaboration and Teamwork Problem Solving Financial Literacy Success on the Job Mentorship with Employer(s) Online Safety Social Media Presence Digital Literacy Health and Safety And more! W…
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