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Bean Bag Toss


  1. Increase socialization skills.
  2. Turn taking. Waiting for a turn and anticipation of a turn.
  3. Throwing a beanbag with direction.
  4. Following directions. “My turn” “Your turn” “Wait” “Throw bag” “More”

For a fun and easy social game try beanbags. You can make your own beanbags by filling the small sandwich zip-lock bags with split pea soup beans. Make sure you secure the bag by taping the edges with a thick tape. ( For extra safety you can double the bag). Next place a pail or bin on the floor and have the children stand about 3 feet away from the pail. Mark the floor with an “X” in bright red tape where the children are to stand. Then simply let the children take turns tossing the beanbag into the pail or bin. Have at least 3 beanbags per child.

An alternative is to make the beanbags out of material using a sewing machine. Make the bags about 3 inches by 3 inches. Leave a small opening in the top to fill in with beans and then slip stitch to close.

I found at Wal-Mart in the craft area that you could also buy “doll beads” which are small pellets and are non-toxic. The bag is about $3.00 and very large; you can make 20 or more beanbags from one bag! Just be sure that you seal the beads very securely in the baggie or material bag.

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