This is a gateway to information on the Medicine Wheel teachings, shared by Community Living Wikwemikong Anishinaabek. The articles are presented in Ojibwe and Ojicree.

The Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel tip sheets
- Medicine Wheel Core Teachings, a preface to the teachings of the Medicine Wheel. [Ojicree translation]
- Using the Wheel for Person Centred Planning, a guide to using the wheel to start an individual life plan including a set of printable templates. [Ojicree translation]
- The Community Development Wheel, how to develop services in your community. [Ojicree translation]
Accessing Jordan’s Principle
Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle ensuring First Nations children get the services they need when they need them. Link

Tip sheets in Ojibwe
- Gaanjwidoowin Gwek Zhaayaawin, Encouraging Positive Behaviour
- Nbechgeng eshchigeng, Bedtime Routines
- Miiknot biiskigaadeg, Pants on Sequence
- Wiini Kkendming Wiibwa Nsawbawnidsan, Steps Towards Toileting Independence
- Zhiitaang Wii Shki Kinoomaagaazat Binoojiinh, Getting Ready for Kindergarten
- Nsostaming Ezhi Dbaajmat Gegoo Binoojiinh, Understanding How and Why Your Child Communicates
- Kinoomaawin Binoojiinh Bbooni Gwiwnan Wiibiiskang, Winter Dressing Sequence
- Binoojiinh Kinoomaawin Wii Gziibiigninjiing, Hand Washing Sequence
- Kinoomaawin Binoojinh Wii Bwaa Nsaabaawnidsad, Toilet Training Sequence
- Gziiyaabdewan, Brushing Teeth Sequence
- Biiskan Biiskawaagan, Flip Flop Over the Top Sequence
- Wiisning, Snack Time Sequence
- Naabdooman Mkisin, Tying Shoe Laces Sequence