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Fact Sheet

Rett Syndrome is a childhood neurodevelopmental disorder occurring primarily in girls.
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Circle the bullets that best identify current safety practice. Home: I lock all doors and I close all windows when leaving or sleeping I have a cordless phone or cell phone I have a flashlight I have a well lit …
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A six week workshop “Safety Includes Me” is a workshop that caters to women living with an intellectual disability who have experienced violence and would like to be involved in violence prevention and education work.
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Personal Safety Plan Home: Phone: Banking: Internet: Street: Health: Sex: Relationships: Download a printable Safety Plan PDF

Cell phones are a great tool for ensuring personal safety, but ownership of a cell phone also requires responsibility. Being careless with your phone can result in financial difficulties, and in some cases actually jeopardize personal safety.
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Fact Sheet What is Sotos Syndrome? Sotos syndrome is a rare multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by a typical facial appearance, overgrowth of the body in early life with macrocephaly, and mild to severe intellectual disability. Sotos Syndrome is an autosomal …
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It is not uncommon for young children to have allergies or intolerances to certain foods like nuts, eggs, and even milk. Planning and preparing for snacks and lunchtimes can sometimes be a challenging task. By working together as a team …
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