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Found 76 items matching the term education

Respecting Rights with Arch Disability Law Centre

…lds the capacity of persons labeled with intellectual disabilities through education and support for self-advocacy. Respecting Rights hosts monthly and quarterly self-advocates meetings, and collaborates with Developmental Service agencies to offer legal rights education workshops to the people they support. Webinar participants will have an opportunity to learn about the work that Respecting Rights does, why this work is important, and how the pe…
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Evaluating Decision Making Rights for Persons Labelled with Intellectual Disability in Ontario

…My Voice, My Choice” (MVMC) is a project of Respecting Rights legal rights education work that has just completed evaluation. This presentation will share the results of this evaluation and introduce the next phase of this exciting legal rights education work. This presentation is to provide an overview of this work on supported decision making for developmental services staff and networks. PRESENTERS: Hina Ghaus is a Staff Lawyer at ARCH Disabili…
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Financial and Legal Resources

…bunal, and apply for interim assistance. Link Sourced from Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) Generosity Can Jeopardize Your ODSP While an aunt, uncle or grandparent are ready to help, giving money to somebody on ODSP without understanding the program’s guidelines can jeopardize the government benefit they are trying to supplement, unless it is done thoughtfully. Read more Legal information and referral skills for co…
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Family (Support) Groups

…A space for families who desire and are striving for inclusion in regular education classroom settings for their child with a disability. Providing opportunities to learn, listen and share strategies; broaden our knowledge and understanding of inclusive education, and hear first hand stories of resilience and success. Relevant topics of mutual interest will be explored. Location: Virtual via Zoom, please RSVP with the facilitator Meetings: First…
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Resources to Help with Legal and Financial Issues for Self-Advocates and Caregivers

…ments of Ontarians with mental illness through advocacy, rights advice and education. Sometimes we need information: Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) helps people understand their legal rights by providing information. Partners for Planning The P4P Planning Network provides free resources including web…
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An Introduction to Parent and Caregiver Advicacy in Schools [webcast]

…webcast, panelists will offer insights on how to advocate for your child’s education and explore important educational legislation and resources.  In this webcast, we will discuss: An overview of the education system in Ontario, including looking at legislation, how decisions are made, and how funding is allocated. Families’ and caregivers’ roles in the IEP and IRPC process. What support is available to families and caregivers within the school sy…
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Hearing Impairments

…evention of auditory dysfunction in children ages 0-18 years. They provide education and counselling for children experiencing hearing difficulties and associated problems. Books and Literature: Parentbooks – Parentbooks offers the most comprehensive selection of resources available anywhere – from planning a family, to everyday parenting issues, to special needs of all kinds. It also has a selection of resources for caregivers,…
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Down Syndrome

…The CDSS is a resource linking parents and professionals through advocacy, education and providing information. National Down Syndrome Congress – It is the purpose of the National Down Syndrome Congress to create a national climate in which all people will recognize and embrace the value and dignity of people with Down Syndrome Books and Literature: Parentbooks – Parentbooks offers the most comprehensive selec…
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Resource Directories

…-older-adulthood/ Educational Opportunities after High School A listing of educational opportunities available for adults living in Toronto. Human Trafficking Resource Directory A list of resources available to survivors of Human Trafficking. Person Directed…
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Developmental Delay

…lex diagnostics, counseling, service coordination, behavioural therapy and educational programs to people living with a developmental disability and their families. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ONLINE – Uses information technology to provide integrated access to information, programs and services for persons with disabilities, their families, their caregivers, service providers and all Canadians. Guide to Government of Ca…
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