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Found 505 items matching the term The Best Appian ACD300 New Exam Objectives offer you accurate Exam Questions Answers | Appian Certified Lead Developer 🥤 Search for “ ACD300 ” and obtain a free download on ▶ ◀ 🧅New ACD300 Braindumps

Visiting the Art Gallery of Ontario

…e by either stairs or elevators. Wheelchairs are also available on a first-come, first-served basis and are FREE to borrow – you just need a piece of photo ID. Click here to reserve a wheelchair prior to your visit. We’re also constantly expanding our Accessible AGO program. Click here to learn about our Accessible AGO services. Click here if you have a medical condition that requires you to bring liquids or large bags into the gallery , or contac…
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Resources to Help with Legal and Financial Issues for Self-Advocates and Caregivers

…e with disabilities in Ontario. Pooran Law Professional Corporation 1-416-860-7572 – They specialize in maximizing access to financial supports such as the Ontario Disability Program (ODSP), Passport and other forms of Individualized Funding, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and various benefits through the income tax system. Ability Tax and Trust Advisors 1-877-690-0330 – They provide i…
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Children on the Farm

…en’s Centre website has information about adaptive equipment for children. , search for ‘adaptive equipment’. Another good resource for the London area is the Calendar of Support for Families of Children with Special Needs: Information for services in your area: Canadian Rural Information Service: or phone: 1-888-757-8725 connect with the Rural Child Care Pathfinder Children learn be…
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…Employment tool kit Creating Employment and Training Opportunities in your Community Tips for networking within your community There is no right or wrong way to approach employers and other community members. Every situation is different. Here are some general tips that might help you in your quest to network within your community. Read more >> How to Support Someone at Work Often times when a person with an intellectual disability is beginning an…
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Exploring Funding Sources

…ns providing respite services for families in Toronto are invited to join. To find alternative funding sources in your area, search through your local sports clubs, faith or cultural groups, recreational facilities, charitable organizations or community agencies. For example: Local Rotary clubs fund programs which benefit children and youth in the areas of health, education, child abuse and neglect, social development and l…
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Visual Communication Workshop: Group Guide

…cation. We usually think of speech as the main form but in fact 90% of our comprehension comes from visual forms of information. What do you think is meant by “visual forms”? (Flip chart answers such as gestures, facial expression, objects, pictures, printed words.) Can you think of visual aids that adults use in their daily lives? Add examples to flip chart: e.g.,traffic signs, calendars, grocery lists, day timers, clocks, etc. View Slides 1-3 La…
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Separation Anxiety in Children

…e Program Allow space and permission to express emotions without shame and offer comfort and reassurance quickly when a child is distressed. Share a video with families online, if permissible, that demonstrates the program’s fun toys and activities. This will help the child have a visual reference to the program and develop familiarity. Include special messages of welcome. Warmly welcome each child and family as they come to the program. Greet the
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Visual Impairment

…ally impaired lead independent lives. Vision Institute of Canada – The Vision Institute is a not-for-profit optometry clinic. Regular and specialized eye care services are provided to the general public and to persons with special needs. All funds raised support services to persons in chronic care facilities and to persons with visual impairments, brain injuries, developmental disabilities and unique vision pr…
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COVID-19: Supporting Children’s Play through Stressful Times

…s telling you something.  Watch how your child is playing. Listen to their comments and questions.  Label and validate their feelings. Ask questions to gain an understanding.  Model calming strategies while playing together: deep breaths, draw a picture, take a walk, get a drink of water, take about feelings.  Label your own feelings “I feel sad…”, “I feel happy…”  Talk about the future “I wonder…”, “Can you imagine…” Tell stories and listen to th…
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General Strategies for Dealing with Problem Behaviours

…tions, and words. Don’t respond to problem behaviour as if it is a type of communication. For example: If your child is screaming in front of the computer for it to be turned on, wait until she has calmed down, praise her for being calm, then give her the desired result. Do not provide any type of reward for the inappropriate behaviour. Provide as little attention as possible. Redirect your child in a very neutral manner. Obtain Attention If probl…
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