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Understanding Stress and Trauma

…It And What To Do When It Happens.  Retrieved on June 8, 2020 from Perry, B. D. (2006). Applying Principles of Neurodevelopment to Clinical Work with Maltreated and Traumatized Children: The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. In N. B. Webb (Ed.), Social Work Practice with Children and Families. Working with traumatized youth in chil…
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

…ters in regions of the province with local information and events. They also provide a newsletter that can be signed up for using the link below. Autism Speaks Canada Autism Speaks Canada is a national Canadian charity that offers information and support to persons with autism and their families. Geneva Centre for Autism The Geneva Centre for Autis…
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Turner Syndrome

…births. How is it diagnosed or detected? The diagnosis is made by a blood test which looks at the complete set of chromosomes of the individual. This is called a karyotype. Karyotype analysis shows if one of the X chromosome pair is missing from the full chromosome set, or if there are any structural differences in the X chromosomes. Before birth, a diagnosis of Turner Syndrome can be made by taking a sample of amniotic fluid or other fetal tissu…
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Gross Motor Skills

…-therapy/    Kid Sense. (n.d.). Gross motor activities. Retrieved from,   The OT Toolbox. (2022, March 9). Gross motor coordination activities. Retrieved from,  Your Therapy Source. (n.d.). 50 Screen free gross motor skills and activities for home. Retrieved from, https://www.yourtherapysourc…
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…to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body. Blood tests Urine tests Treatments: Microcephaly is a lifelong condition with no known cure or standard treatment. Microcephaly can range from mild to severe, therefore the treatment options range as well. Infants diagnosed with mild Microcephaly do not experience any problems other than a small head size which requires routine check-ups to monitor growth and development. Those w…
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…on, we’ve focused on giving you the information and tools you’ll need to become a more effective communicator. We’ve also developed some tools and strategies that will help your child to become more successful and consistent when communicating with you. Helping your Child Understand As a parent, you’ll want to do everything you can to help your child understand you and to make the most of daily learning opportunities. For one child this might mean…
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Palliative and End of Life Care Glossary

…nt of pain, physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs. Comfort care Comfort Care is an essential part of medical care at the end of life. It is care that helps or soothes a person who is dying. The goal is to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible while respecting the dying person’s wishes. Palliative care can start anywhere from 3-6 months before someone reaches the end of life stage. Please keep in mind that palliat…
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Physical Disability

…increase mobility and encourage independence. Spinal cord Injury Ontario – March of Dimes – Services for Persons with Disabilities – Access to services and information for persons with disabilities, family members, caregivers and all Canadians. Books and Literature: It’s OK to Be Me! Just Like You I Can Do Almost Anything! by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos Just One of the Kids: Raising a Resilie…
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Setting Up for Success

…y or uncomfortable. Children have a window of tolerance before something becomes too uncomfortable and “scary” to continue.  Notice where that threshold is for a child. Start with one yoga pose, taking one breath, doing one stretch, 10 seconds of meditation.  Start where they are at, and grow from that. Written by Amanda Boyd, BA, CYC, CTP; Behaviour Consultant, Lumenus Community Services, Every Child Belongs References: Gonzalez A.(Last reviewed…
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Muscular Dystrophy

…iagnostic tests are done. Further testing may include a muscle biopsy, DNA testing, blood enzyme tests and electromyography (EMG). The doctor also wants to determine whether the patient’s weakness results from a problem in the muscles themselves or in the nerves that control them. Problems with muscle-controlling nerves, or motor nerves, originating in the spinal cord and reaching out to all the muscles, can cause weakness that looks like a muscle…
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