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Found 449 items matching the term TOP FEATURES OF Microsoft SC-900 PDF QUESTIONS FILE AND PRACTICE TEST SOFTWARE ๐Ÿˆ Go to website ใ€Š ใ€‹ open and search for [ SC-900 ] to download for free ๐ŸŸกSC-900 Updated Dumps

Teaching Your Child About Emotions

…verbal language, gestures and facial expressions at first. As your child becomes more comfortable with recognising emotions, you can act more naturally. Set up dramatic play situations at home to practise expressing and recognising emotions. 6.  Video Modelling Many children love to watch TV. You can use this interest to help teach your child more about emotions. Make short videos of other adults or children expressing an emotion in an appropriate…
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Anger Management: Session 4

…ous sessions Sliding Board yoga / seat push-up – from Session Three Visual Schedule (welcome, puppet show, game, story, calming activities, goodbye song) Puppet Show Bumble: I’m getting madder! (throws a toy) Mrs. Panda: Why, what happened? Bumble: First, I was last in line coming inside. Then, I was playing cars and Johnny hit me. Mrs. Panda: I guess since you were already a bit mad about being last in line, getting hit made it worse. Do you reme…
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H.E.L.P. Framework for Pain and Distress

…ey Place  Angie Gonzales, Health Care Facilitator and Nursing Professional Practice Lead, CNSC Toronto Region, Surrey Place  H.E.L.P. framework in approach to support for addressing pain and distress, observation/ assessment guidelines and tools, case scenarios. This tool helps service providers supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to understand contributing factors when presenting with emotional distress and be…
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When Someone Says My Name

…le: Review the plan for today’s session by showing the children the visual schedule. When reviewing the schedule, point to and name the pictures in order (e.g., first we will sing hello, have a puppet show, etc). You may consider removing each picture as the activity is completed. You can create a pocket at the bottom/end of the schedule that represents “finished” or “all done”. Place the schedule in a visible and accessible place where it can be…
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The Role of the Care Provider in the Prevention of Foot Complications

…omplications include but are not limited to anatomical changes, pain and discomfort, alterations to gait, wounds, infections and amputation. The observation and maintenance of general foot health begins with daily hygiene. Before bathing the care provider can look for problems such as open areas in the skin, peeling or flaky skin, excessive dryness, new lumps, bumps, bruising, odour, redness or excessive moisture. These are signs and warnings of p…
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Gardening program for adults on the spectrum and/or caregivers

…onarch butterflies and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds with beautiful landscape features. Participants will receive free gardening fact sheets and guides.  This event will take place rain or shine. Please dress for the weather. You will be notified if the event needs to be canceled due to extreme weather. Location: Downsview Park Hub, 70 Canuck Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M3K 2C5 Registration cost: $5 per person.  Once registered and paid, refunds will not…
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New Polaris Progam

…ficult, we can assure you that that a high level of care and attention will be available in the Polaris program. Katie Stoddart, a long-time supervisor at Pegasus, is leading this program and has received intensive training to be able to support this specific population. She is open to all questions about Polaris and can be reached during work hours at 416-990-2595 or We are truly excited about this new endeavour for P…
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Preparing Children for Transitions

….html. Markham, L. (2020). Why Kids Need Routines.  Retrieved from Petit Early Learning Journey. (2017). 10 Reasons a Daily Routine is Important for Your Child (and How to Set One).  Retrieved from Raising Children. (2017). Family Routines:  How and Why They Work. …
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Giving Instructions Workshop: Group Guide

…l be similar. Tell the group that it is a normal behavioural response to become non-compliant or upset when you cannot follow a task and to think about how many instructions children receive on a day to day basis. When parents learn some new techniques they can greatly improve their children’s ability to understand us and follow instructions. Agenda: Introduction to Giving Instructions How we communicate to our children Breaking down instructions…
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Tips for Transitions from Elementary School

…ning. You can learn a lot about a school by the way the students enter the school. Some schools are noisy, some are calm. When going on a school visit, take someone along. Write down your impressions and gut feelings then discuss them with your friend. Complete writing about one school before you visit the next one. Develop a relationship with the school you feel is the best choice. Establish a contact person for the school. There is the possibili…
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