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Found 449 items matching the term TOP FEATURES OF Microsoft SC-900 PDF QUESTIONS FILE AND PRACTICE TEST SOFTWARE ๐Ÿˆ Go to website ใ€Š ใ€‹ open and search for [ SC-900 ] to download for free ๐ŸŸกSC-900 Updated Dumps

Safety at Home and in the Community

…ming and safely using adult content on the Internet. Play Email and Online Communication Tips for communicating online (email, chat, Skype, texting etc.) The Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Safe on the Internet One of the best ways to stay safe is to maintain an ongoing open dialogue about what you are doing on the internet with someone you trust. Adult Content and the Internet We live in a world where movies, television, music videos and magazines not…
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Creating a Calming Environment

…oping Skills for Kids. (2019). Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids!  Retrieved from Kostelyk, Sharla. (2020). 175 Sensory Activity Ideas for Kids.  Retrieved from Minero, E. & Fleming, N. (2020). DIY Ways to Meet a Child’s Sensory Needs at Home.  Retrieved from…
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Listening to Others

Script written to help a child learn how to “listen to others”. Review and practice the script at least once a day with your child, especially when you first introduce it. As your child begins to understand and use the new skill, you can practice the script less often and refer back to it to remind him what to do in specific situations. It is not a good idea to try using the Social Script while the situation is happening. Instead, review it at the…
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Personal Space

…ed or when the other person is a close friend or family member. Review and practice the script at least once a day with your child, especially when you first introduce it. As your child begins to understand and use the new skill, you can practice the script less often and refer back to it to remind him what to do in specific situations. It is not a good idea to try using the Social Script while the situation is happening. Instead, review it at the…
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Creating Personal Stories

…t to monitor whether the personal story is useful. If your child has not become more comfortable with the situation after two or more weeks of reading the story, it might have to be changed. Ask yourself: Is the story too long or wordy? Is it confusing? Is it written at the right level for my child? Should visuals (pictures) be included? Does it focus on the behaviour you want to see? Personal stories, when written and used well, can be very helpf…
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Calming Strategies for Children & Youth

…s. Try to make the activities fun by including props and visuals, such as pillows, squeeze balls, and pictures or other objects that the child enjoys. Remember to practice self-compassion! These calming strategies will take some time to fit into your daily life….
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Creating a Budget

…rvices such as call display, call waiting, or all the channels that you subscribe to on your cable? Compare prices with other providers and services. Shop around for the best competitive prices in regards to interest rates and between different cable and phone companies. Look for ways to save money on things you are buying. See the article “Simple Strategies to Help You Save Your Money” for ideas you could make use of. Take a look at your personal…
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Sensory Processing

…gags around certain smells, tell other people they “stink” Activities – unscented/fragrance-free environments, seat child away from triggering scents (garbage bin), provide child with preferred scent (if they have one) Hypo-reactive responses – what you may see – enjoy strong scents, doesn’t notice “dangerous smells”, trouble identifying smells of food Activities – set up a smelling station – use cotton balls with essential oils, spices, smelly o…
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More about the site

play video Welcome to ConnectABILITY a website and virtual community dedicated to lifelong learning and support for people who have an intellectual disability, their families and support networks. The core of our community is accessible, self-directed access to valuable information and tools, ready on demand. The site is organized by age group to help you find the right information for you. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please try o…
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