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Found 76 items matching the term education

The Aging of Family Caregivers

…ves or paying the high cost of tuition for their children’s post secondary education. Some siblings may be able to take over the care-giving role from aging parents; however, the extent to which they can provide support may be limited. The majority of people with developmental disabilities are supported completely or to a significant degree by family. Consequently, most older adults with developmental disabilities are receiving support from parent…
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Program Strategies/Guidelines for a Child with Behaviour Difficulties and Weak Social Skills

…praise. Always remember to include a social reinforcer, whether or not the child receives a primary or secondary reinforcer. Footnotes Some of the following suggestions and descriptions come from my personal teaching experiences and observations within the early childhood education field, as well as discussions with child care staff and other professionals in the community, with parents and through research. References Candy Lawson, Ph.D. Social…
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Tips for Transitions from Elementary School

…a different vision of what they want for their child and for their child’s education. Each child is different and their needs are different. When looking for a junior high and/or high school, networking with other parents can be useful. You may also wish to consult with your child’s current teacher and principal. Talk to the elementary school principal prior to the Identification Placement Review Committee (IPRC). Remember, you know your child bes…
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Tourette Syndrome

…Foundation of Canada (TSFC) – The Foundation disseminates educational material to individuals, professionals and agencies in the fields of health care, education and government through its local affiliates. These Chapters, Resource Units and Contact Representatives across the country help TS patients and their families cope with the problems that so often occur with a diagnosis of TS. Life’s A Twitch – “Life’s…
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Transition Planning to Older Adulthood

…consider every aspect of community life: Social relationships Recreation, education, employment, self-improvement groups, leisure activities Participation in a worship community Citizenship roles such as voting, participation in political processes, access to elected representatives and involvement in civic affairs. Balance of Risk with Safety The pursuit of goals in life is often accompanied by risk. Transition Planning should allow for risk whi…
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Programming for children with Visual Impairments

…ildren with visual impairments vary in their learning abilities and needs. Educational support from a professional in visual impairment is beneficial to assist in the development of appropriate programming for the child. As the child grows older, it is important for him to have contact with adults who are visually impaired and to have the opportunity to participate in regular work experiences. Not only must education provide information access, bu…
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Life after high school

…le Withers, Danielle D’Alessandro, Jason Maher This workshop is geared for: Families and youth/young adults between the ages of 16-26 Youth who are on diverse high school pathways including students taking non-credit courses, on a certificate stream, or in a special education program Join us to explore: Accessing employment supports and resources Other learning options and programs Related online community resources Hearing from staff, families, a…
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Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

…t contributed to a child’s vocabulary one year later, such as the parents’ education and the child’s previous vocabulary. But some of her most interesting findings were that: children’s vocabulary at 30 months was influenced by the quantity (number) of words a parent used one year earlier – This means that children aged 12-24 months benefit from hearing lots of talk and many examples of words. children’s vocabulary at 42 months was influenced by p…
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…tion – The Association’s mission is to provide support, education and advocacy for individuals, families and professionals. Its goal is to ensure that families and individuals dealing with the complex issues of hydrocephalus receive personal support, comprehensive educational materials and ongoing quality health care. Thames Valley Children’s Centre – This is a regional rehabilitation centre for children and young…
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Financial and Legal Issues

…de advice and representation to individual and group clients, public legal education, law reform and community development activities. ACE has been operating since 1984. ACE Brochure: Click here ACE website: Click here A BRAND NEW WORLD: ONTARIO’S NEW LONG-TERM CARE HOMES ACT The Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA or the Act) is coming into force in Ontario on July 1, 2010. This legislation replaces the three current pieces of legislation which…
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