ConnectABILITY Homepage

Fee for Service Program Directory

This directory contains Community Participation Support, Caregiver Respite and Person-Directed Planning Support listings for transitional age youth and adults that may be purchased using Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services “Passport” funding or personal funds. Cost varies based on an individual’s support needs and program activities.

  • The directory has been compiled for information purposes. Families/individuals are responsible for assessing each program to determine whether it meets their needs.
  • None of the programs listed receive direct funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Some of the programs might have funding from another source.

For programs funded through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services go to Developmental Services Ontario

This Directory is for Programs that are:

  • Not Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services funded and are provided on a Fee For Service or free basis only.
  • Not included in MyCommunityHub. You should check MyCommunityHub to see if there are programs you are interested in. On MyCommunityHub you can register and pay directly for the programs you choose.

If you know of a program that is not listed here but you think should be, or if the information in the directory is not accurate, please let us know about it:

TIP Programs are all listed alphabetically by program name. If you know the agency providing the program, type that into the search to see all of their listings.

MyDirectPlan (MDP) is an online tool designed to help you manage your Special Services at Home (S...
5.00 (1 review)
Community Living Toronto
Creative Village Studio offers art and photography classes as well as drop-in studio time for all...
Our groundbreaking Brighton Launch Adult Program re-imagines post-secondary education for young a...
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Brighton Launch - Brighton School
Friday Night Socials (FNS) at Brighton School are for youth aged 13+ who have challenges. Each FN...
West Toronto KEYS to INclusion
West Toronto KEYS to INclusion is very much alive and active on Zoom since mid-March 2020..howeve...
ImprovAbility! offers Social Improv©, a program combining drama and social teaching to teens and...
ImprovAbility! offers Social Improv©, a program combining drama and social teaching to young peop...
This is a Multi-arts holiday camp for children and youth ages 12-17 with a diagnosis of ASD or au...
Dream Weavers: An Occupational Therapy Collective
This is a 12-week group program for teens and young adults on the Autism Spectrum and with other ...
Dream Weavers 1 to 1 Sessions Flyer - 2022.png
Dream Weavers: An Occupational Therapy Collective
What exactly are Dream Weavers 1:1 Sessions? As registered occupational therapists, the entire Dr...
Showing 41 - 60 of 170 results