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Options Resource Workshop: Service Coordination [webinar]

…This clinic is designed to provide caregivers who have children and/or youth between the ages of 0-18 years old, with information on both FST’s children programs and Toronto based resources to assist with supporting the needs of a loved one. WHEN: May 8, 2024 LOCATION: Virtual [Zoom] COST: Free See flyer for more details Register now…
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Paving the Path

…, who are considering employment and/or volunteerism in the near future! A FREE, interactive and educational 6-week program that covers relevant and current topics needed to consider before looking for work. Program includes Personal Management  Communication Collaboration and Teamwork Problem Solving Financial Literacy Success on the Job Mentorship with Employer(s) Online Safety Social Media Presence Digital Literacy Health and Safety And more! W…
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Bedtime Routines

…ties, you can help your child deal with her sleep issues so that she can become a happy, independent sleeper and bedtime will become a pleasant end to the day for the whole family. There are a number of factors that can interfere with children falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. Here are some of the more common ones that you may be experiencing with your child: Separation Anxiety: For some children, bedtime means separation fro…
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Circle of Difference

…loud one at a time – with a pause for people to respond if they agree. Prompt people to show their “yes” if they agree. The list of statements was created by people with an intellectual disability. (Feel free to add to our statements or change them to increase inclusiveness for your particular group). All the statements are related to self-image, identity and difference….
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Aging: Changes in Smell and Taste

…vidence Health Care Age Changes and what to do about it Phyllis Kultgen and Peggy Hotz Management Guidelines Development Disability Version 2, 2005. Original material compiled by Jane Powell of L’Arche Ontario Adapted with permission from…
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My First Job

…eir work. Employers do expect to get a return for their money, and working comes with the expectation of independence on the job, as well as the higher level of responsibilities common to all paid employees that might not be expected in co-op and volunteer placements. Sometimes finding a new employment opportunity is as simple as taking a walk. Look for “Position Available”, “Help Wanted” or “Now Hiring” signs, posted at local businesses. If a per…
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Give Your Child a Reason to Communicate with Bubbles

…icture, sound, word or sentence copy what you say about the bubbles make a comment about the bubbles Give Your Child a Reason to Communicate when you Blow Bubbles “Give your Child a Reason to Communicate” is a strategy from the More Than Words guidebook. It involves creating a situation that tempt your child to interact with you and send you messages. You can Give your Child a Reason to Communicate by doing the following: First, get your child’s a…
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Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

…ou started preschool – you felt nervous. But eventually when you were more comfortable there, you didn’t feel nervous anymore.” Actions can speak louder than words – If you accompany your words with actions, gestures, or facial expressions, it will help your child understand the meaning of the words. For example, when modeling the word “weary”, you could do a sleeping action (hands under your head) or yawn so that your child understands what the w…
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The Hanen Centre

…The Hanen Centre is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting parents, early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists in their efforts to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children.…
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Aging with a Developmental Disability: Strategies for Support

…be discussed. The progression of dementia with its associated health care complications and concerns and recommendations for care will be reviewed. Play Associated Links NTG Webinar series NTG-Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-ESD) Practice Guidelines Nancy Jokinen, MSW, PHD This presentation introduces a set of practice guidelines adopted by the Nastional Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices (NTG) to assist famil…
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