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Found 449 items matching the term TOP FEATURES OF Microsoft SC-900 PDF QUESTIONS FILE AND PRACTICE TEST SOFTWARE ๐Ÿˆ Go to website ใ€Š ใ€‹ open and search for [ SC-900 ] to download for free ๐ŸŸกSC-900 Updated Dumps

Reinforcement Workshop: Group Guide

…sible examples of tasks could be toileting, bedtime routine, safety issues [staying together outside], behaviours such as hitting). Ideally the task chosen should be one that a parent in the group is trying to teach their child. Have the group specify the task, break the task down into smaller steps if necessary and determine how often and for what behaviours the child will be rewarded. Ask them to explain how the reward will be gradually faded. I…
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Getting Someone’s Attention

Script using words only, or you can add pictures or photographs to help describe each step. Here is an example of a Social Script written to help a child learn how to “get someone’s attention”: When I want to talk to someone, I: Stand close to them and tap them gently on the shoulder Say their name Wait for them to look at me Talk to them Role-Playing Give your child an opportunity to practise the skill by doing a role play or puppet show. In the…
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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supporting Children and Youth – Module 3

…ning, turning away, crying, hitting, throwing things, refusing attempts to comfort, or some combination of all these things? Prior to the observation, the categories and their definitions must be developed, and all those using the observational instrument must be trained and skilled in its use. There are a number of things to consider when making your observations: Define the specific behaviour Maintain objectivity and do not interpret what is hap…
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Children With Food Preferences

…he First-Then visual board after you notice that the child is feeling more comfortable with the “new food” experiences described above. Allow for sensory exploration of new foods through planned activities that are fun and enjoyable. Through sensory exploration, the child can be introduced to the new food slowly by looking at, touching, and smelling it, without the pressure of having to eat it. The child learns about the new food through activitie…
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Aging: Other Ideas

…Health needs change as they individual gets older. Other ideas Ideas for accommodating balance: Use a rocking chair can help compensate. Use walkers and canes properly. Do some exercise to maintain leg muscles. Encourage the person to avoid lifting, stretching and reaching when it can not be done safely. Have the person get up gradually so that they don’t get dizzy. Increased Physical Stress: Handling physical stress becomes more difficult as you…
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Aging: Changes in Bones and Joints

…ain medication if at possible prior to undertaking an activity to reduce discomfort. Allow more time as the person may need to do things more slowly. Promote use of mobility aids. Use of safeguards to prevent falls. Increase tolerance for physical activity. Restore and improve the ability to ambulate and /or participate in ADLs. Avoid injury from falling or improper use of body mechanics. Summary Not every person will experience all of these chang…
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Aging: Changes in the Nervous System

…vidence Health Care Age Changes and what to do about it Phyllis Kultgen and Peggy Hotz Management Guidelines Development Disability Version 2, 2005. Original material compiled by Jane Powell of L’Arche Ontario Adapted with permission from…
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Aging: Changes in Cognitive Ability

…vidence Health Care Age Changes and what to do about it Phyllis Kultgen and Peggy Hotz Management Guidelines Development Disability Version 2, 2005. Original material compiled by Jane Powell of L’Arche Ontario Adapted with permission from…
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Travelling with Children

…playground, a certain chain of restaurant. Flash Cards for Spelling, Math, Science, the colour wheel and other fun topics. Use recipe cards or boxboard to make your own. Magnetic Board Games – Tic tac toe, Score Four, Checkers and others Make a travel bag or bin of activity books, quiet toys, small games, puzzles, small photo albums, puppets or dolls that can stay in the car. Make different theme bags, one for each child traveling with you. During…
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Aging: Changes in Smell and Taste

…vidence Health Care Age Changes and what to do about it Phyllis Kultgen and Peggy Hotz Management Guidelines Development Disability Version 2, 2005. Original material compiled by Jane Powell of L’Arche Ontario Adapted with permission from…
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