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Found 505 items matching the term The Best Appian ACD300 New Exam Objectives offer you accurate Exam Questions Answers | Appian Certified Lead Developer 🥤 Search for “ ACD300 ” and obtain a free download on ▶ ◀ 🧅New ACD300 Braindumps

Comfort Care Basket

…ilies with children unless you know this will be a good resource for them) Example of a Comfort Care Basket at Seven Oaks A note with the following text and listing the contents of the basket: “We hope to express our support and sincere desire to make this time for you as comfortable as possible. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.” The Comfort Care Team at Seven Oaks This Comfort Care Basket Contains: CD Player 2-3 CDs 1 Kl…
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Helping Someone to Make Transitions

…s in our environment, the more relaxed we can be when faced with something completely new. We learn to generalize from one situation to another. Generalization occurs when we mentally assess a new situation and compare it to similar past experiences. We see the aspects that are the same, and we see those that are different. We use all of our past experiences to successfully manage this one. When assisting an individual with an intellectual disabil…
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Michael at the Playground

…essment Interview suggest that the function of the problem behaviour is to obtain attention. The problem behaviour serves a communicative function: Michael is using the behaviour to express his desire to join other children in play. Now it’s time to move onto the next step and plan for change. Step 3: Plan for Change Planning for change involves making the behaviour irrelevant, inefficient and finally ineffective. Making the Behaviour Irrelevant W…
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Talking Matters

…talking (“Look up! I see a cat.”) Expand your child’s world by introducing new people and new places. Talk about the experience before you go, while you are there and when you get home. Hide objects under/behind pillows, blankets, furniture. Ask: “Where’s the ball?” or “Find the teddy.” Point to and talk about people and things when looking at books Remember to tell stories from your home language and culture. Look at your child when you are talki…
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Understanding Self-Regulation in Young Children

example; disappointed, sad, sick, lethargic, tired, bored Regulated – For example; calm, happy, tolerant, interactive, content, co-operative Heightened – For example; annoyed, irritated, overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious Loss of control – For example; enraged, terrified, destructive, aggressive, overly excited Typically, self-regulation develops gradually, from birth to young adulthood. During this time we strengthen our ability to self-regulate b…
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Becoming an adult: Transition planning for youth with a developmental disability

…eated by the Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC). RARC provides accurate and comprehensive assessments and follow-up services to post-secondary students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and ASD. What do you need to know before you head off to college or university? Learn about your rights and responsibilities, how to advocate for yourself, what financial aid is available and more. Let us help you prepare for your transition to post-sec…
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Navigating Legal and Ethical Issues in Mental Health and Dual Diagnosis

…le of mental health care professionals working both in hospital and in the community Identify ethical challenges common to mental health care, dual diagnoses, and the support of persons experiencing decision-making issues Identify legal issues and relevant legislation that may arise in supporting individuals with mental health issues, dual diagnoses, and persons experiencing decision-making issues Scenerios 1 – Consent and Capacity Discussion poin…
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Physical Literacy: 
Adaptability and Accommodation

comfort as children learn to move in their environment. The teacher should lead by example and engage actively with the children. Children want nothing more than you to play with them at times. Show them that you can have fun and move in different ways as you move around the activity. Let’s not forget that children need to be prompted to move. Asking questions like, can you move backwards, sideways, or what about upside down, encourages children t…
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Falling is a very serious health problem for seniors

…consultations. This will ensure that all concerns have been addressed and lead to an accurate assessment. Speak to your doctor about fall prevention. Have regular vision and hearing tests. Take prescription and over the counter medications correctly. Keep a medication record and review it regularly with the doctor and pharmacy. Tell your doctor if your medication makes you dizzy or lightheaded. Get help and advice from a qualified Occupational an…
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Speech and Language Disorders

…ice disorders are frequently combined with other speech problems to form a complex communication disorder. Who is affected? The prevalence of speech and language disorders is estimated to be approximately 2-19% of children aged 2-5 years old, with a 2:1 male to female ratio. The overall estimate for speech and language disorders is widely agreed to be 5% of school-aged children. This figure includes voice disorders (3%), specific language impairme…
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