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Found 505 items matching the term The Best Appian ACD300 New Exam Objectives offer you accurate Exam Questions Answers | Appian Certified Lead Developer 🥤 Search for “ ACD300 ” and obtain a free download on ▶ ◀ 🧅New ACD300 Braindumps

How to Offer a Visual Schedule

…e person to have more control over daily events. It is also an easy way to communicate with someone who may otherwise have difficulties communicating their wants and needs. Visual schedules are easy to make and can be done with simple items around your home or work setting. These tips and tricks can be used in many different settings and we encourage you to share this video with anyone who might benefit from them. Aptus Treatment Centre, an agency…
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Fragile X

…ance research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X. FRAXA Research Foundation, Inc. – This virtual support and information exchange group is for everyone: parents, siblings, grandparents, other family members, educators, and friends. Fragile X Syndrome: A Review of Clinical and Molecular Diagnoses – by Claudia Ciaccio, Laura Fontana, Donatella Milan…
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Transition Planning to Older Adulthood

and complete sentences. Transition Planning must include careful listening to each message in whatever format it is offered. In this way respect may be assured for the dignity and wishes of the person. Moreover, it is important to inform new caregivers who become part of the person’s support system about their unique communication methods and messages. Sourced from “Transition Guide For Caregivers”, The Ontario Partnership on Aging and Developmen…
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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supporting Children and Youth – Module 2

…f the child will encounter daily to help establish routine. As the child becomes more comfortable, introduce small changes gradually to help him/her develop some flexibility. Examples could be changes in routine, place, and staff, using visual supports and schedules to cue the changes to the child. Provide a written individual schedule for the child with ASD, showing what s/he will be doing and with whom. Post this where it can easily be seen by s…
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Steps to Supporting a Child Experiencing Stress and Trauma

…ral Considerations. There are differences in meaning and intention when it comes to non-verbal communication across cultures.  It is important to understand the child from a cultural perspective and be mindful to avoid miscommunication. The survival brain and the child’s fight – flight – freeze responses will be reduced when the child feels safe and calm. The child’s thinking brain  will turn back on.. Critical things to remember at this time: Do…
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Bust a Move Dance

…Dance classes for kids/teens and adults with disabilities across Toronto and the GTA this FALL! Registrations now open via Any questions please email or check out our Instagram:…
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Chaining and Shaping Behaviour – Mastering and Motivating the Child to Learn the Steps

…rewarded. Finally, the reward (praise, etc.) is only given when the whole new skill is completed as independently as Simithy’s abilities allow. Gradually reduce the amount of assistance needed in each step until it is learned. As each small step is mastered, stop rewarding it and only reward the new steps that still need some work. Over time, the amount of assistance needed on each step will be reduced. Eventually the reward will come only when t…
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Vision Assessment

…ivers have the greatest opportunity to observe children over time and in a comprehensive way. Research shows that families’ observations of their children have been accurate even when those observations contradict formal testing results. The child’s medical history is an important part of the assessment. Medical issues such as seizures, motor impairments, respiratory difficulties and other health issues may affect the child’s functioning and abili…
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Socio-emotional regulation

…sk the child how to best support them!  Resources  References Center on the Developing Child. (n.d.). A guide to executive function. Retrieved from,   Connectability. (n.d.). Understanding self-regulation in young children. Retrieved from,…
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ODSP is not a measure of last resort

…ng for families who have children with disabilities. These can be found at The information contained in this communication is general and is based on the perspectives and opinions of the owners and writers. It is not intended to provide specific personalized advice. Please consult an appropriate professional regarding your particular circumstances. The information provided might be derived from various sources and is believed to b…
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