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Found 505 items matching the term The Best Appian ACD300 New Exam Objectives offer you accurate Exam Questions Answers | Appian Certified Lead Developer 🥤 Search for “ ACD300 ” and obtain a free download on ▶ ◀ 🧅New ACD300 Braindumps

Talking To The Family About Your Concerns

…op an action plan with the family about what to do next. Have some ideas ready to suggest to the family. Be prepared to consider what the family suggests, even if it is quite different from what you had in mind. Reassure the family that staff members are happy to work with them to achieve the best outcome for their child. Though breaking the news can be difficult, it is important that the issue be raised as soon as possible. This may allow for ear…
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Tips for Picky Eating & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

…t in the same chairs. Support your child’s posture: Poor posture which can lead to discomfort. If you see your child is slouching, leaning or wriggling, try placing a rolled up towel around their back and hips to provide support. For foot support, place a stool under their feet to provide extra stability. Concentrate on the food, not the behaviour: Try to ignore challenging behaviours and divert attention from the negative behaviour with a convers…
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Getting Dressed

…s right, one arm at a time!” Verbally praise your child for each step he accomplishes – “Good work taking your shoes off!” Encourage your child to sit down to complete the steps. This may provide more stability while dressing or undressing. Break the skill into smaller steps and teach one step at a time. This process is known as Task Analysis – you’ll find more details in the For More Information box at the end of this tip sheet. Use visuals, such…
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Developing Attention Span

…raging Focus During Activities: Show your child what to do or model how to complete the activity. For example, putting in the first piece of the puzzle Provide your child with assistance, when needed, to complete the activity. This can be a gentle hand over hand assistance or offering verbal directions. Gradually increasing the amount of time your child is expected to sit at the table. To promote success, start with short periods of time. You can…
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Enabling Person-Directed Planning for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Users

…on on AAC Usage Appendix A — Toolkit Types of AAC Used Checklist AAC Assessments / Reports Checklist Gathering Preliminary AAC Information/Current AAC Usage Appendix B — Toolkit Current AAC Usage Checklist Preliminary AAC Information Checklist Communication Context Interview / Observation Appendix C — Toolkit Communication Context Interview / Observation Checklist AAC Considerations Matrix for Person-Directed Planning Appendix D — Toolkit Consider…
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Sotos Syndrome

…y of handbooks, pamphlets, Internet, public lectures, and discussions, and with emotional support by facilitating discussions with other parents who have been through similar experiences. 1944 Dumfries, Montreal, Quebec, H3P 2R9 Canada Email: Website: National Organization for Rare Disorders NORD, along with its more than 300 patient organization members, is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure o…
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Checklist for Planning A Move of an Older Adult to an Alternative Living Arrangement

…Partnerships With the Residential Provider Establish and maintain ongoing communication with the family and the new residential provider. Inform and involve family and DS agency in significant events such as: case conferences, plan of care meetings, decisions regarding the support/care of the individual. Orient DS agency staff and family to the home. If DS agency staff are working in the home during transition or ongoing – orient and train staff…
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Circle of Difference

…atement that is read. Remind people that many of us have different ways of communicating. Give examples: some people blink their eyes for yes, some people use sign language, some people use assistive devices, and some use words. On the count of three, have everyone show you their “YES”. Then explain for everyone to listen carefully to the reader (Someone with an intellectual disability ideally) who will read statements out one at a time. A series…
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