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Training for the Caregiver and staff

Shared Learning Forum

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The Shared Learning Forum offers training and networking opportunities for staff working in the DS (Developmental Services) sector in Toronto. All agencies that provide services and supports to adults and their families are wecome to join the training.

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Past Training Events

Connected Families Shared Learning

DS Information Fair (formerly DSTO Information Fair 2016)

Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

Let’s Talk: An Open Dialogue on Vulnerability in Toronto Series:

Through collaboration and coordination, the Community Network of Specialized Care works to build efficient and effective cross-sectorial specialized service systems that support people with a developmental disability and mental health challenges (dual diagnosis) and/or challenging behaviour.

Everybody’s Trauma: Supporting adults with intellectual disabilities who have experienced violence

Colleagues from the Violence Against Women and the Developmental Services sectors discuss the impact of violence on adults who are labeled with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Topics include: Healing Trauma Through Multi-Modial Therapy, Self-Regulation for Practitioner Resilience.

Transition Planning Training

A series of presentations for direct support professional’s to help meet the complex needs related to Transition Planning. Developed by The Toronto Networks of Specialized Care in partnership with the DSTO Shared Learning Forum and ConnectABILITY.

The Red Flags of Aging

Selected presentations from a daylong conference focusing on the concerns and support needs of people with a developmental disability who are aging. Held on June 28, 2012 in Toronto.

Aging with a Developmental Disability: Strategies for Support

A series of presentations and articles supporting aging. A partnership between Developmental Services and Seniors Services.

Professional Resources

Developmental Disabilities Justice Toolkit
Training videos, webinars, an online tool-kit and resources specifically designed for professionals working in the justice system (police, corrections, probation and parole officers, crown attorneys, youth justice staff, mental health court workers).

Care, Support and Treatment of People with a Developmental Disability and Challenging Behaviours
The Community Networks of Specialized Care in Ontario developed a set of Consensus Guidelines to help families, caregivers and agencies in the daily care, support and treatment of adults with both a developmental disability and challenging behaviours.

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